Sogno Jewelry Design

Brand Identity System

Inspired by Sogno jewelry famous for their 'natural' textures, the logo design was derived from the shape of plants. The gracefulness of the stem is expressed by the curve of the logo, and the details of the leaves gave character to finish on top of the serif-based typeface. The fig tree has been applied as a main design motif for metaphor of 'trustful', our brand essence, considering the fact that it has long been regarded to symbolize wisdom and is a plant signifying trust based on prosperity and peace.

This project aimed to create Sogno’s unique visual expression for customers to have a good experience and to evolve into a sustainable and more trusted brand in the long run. Sogno’s ‘circle’ symbolizes a ring, a medium that embodies the special connection between two people (lovers, friends or family). This ‘circle’ signifies the creation and development of relationships and building lasting values that connect to Sogno’s philosophy of the non-retrogressive cycle, the most basic principle of nature.

The brand identity was intended to flow throughout the whole customers’ brand experience – the logo, illustration motifs, colors, signage, ring case, shopping bag, boutique shop interior, and even the product order sheet. The way to fold a piece of order sheet in the envelope is also designed as one of the brand experiences. The interior design applied Sogno’s natural concept preserving raw materials as they were. The space was filled with the actual fig trees so that customers could feel and smell the trees.

The project started in October 2020 in Seoul and finished in March 2021. In order to explore the unique brand image of Sogno, interviews and surveys had been conducted. Various groups of interviewees were selected; a group of regular customers, a group of new customers, a group of people who prefer other brands. In the end, the fact that people needed not only fine jewelry products but also a special ‘experience’ with the product was the indispensable insight. The customers’ journey of experiencing Sogno was planned considering the positive aspects from interviews & surveys.

For the customers’ memorable experience, Sogno ring case was designed to look like a blossoming flower, also bearing a fruit that contains new seeds of life. Other than common cubic ring cases, Sogno ring case was shaped as a circle, the key brand design element. To make the uncommon circular shape and blossoming-like opening method feasible, fifty types of prototypes were produced and tested. Through the prototyping test, the case structure had been gradually modified until it met stability.

This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Award in 2023. Bronze A' Design Award: Bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Named
Image Credits: Named
Project Team Members: Named
Project Name: Sogno Jewelry Design
Project Client: Named

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Sogno Jewelry Design IMG #5

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